Monday, July 2, 2012

The Time Paradox-Review

The Time Paradox: The New Psychology of Time That will change your life

Every important decision you make is determined by a force operating deep inside your mind: your perspective on time. Once you become aware of your personal time zone, you can begin to see and manage your life in exciting new ways. Drs. Zimbardo and Boyd draw on thirty years of research to offer a practical plan for optimizing your blend of time perspectives to get the utmost out of every minute in your personal  and professional life. Time passes no matter what you do. It's up to you to spend it wisely and enjoy it well. Here;s how.

This is mind blowing book written by great writer Philip Zimbardo and John Boyd. This book basically talks about time and its management. How time can change people's views and ideas? How time can change life of people? Time has been compared and contrasted according to different people's lifestyle. This is psychology book and for the one who is keen to learn human psychology. Since this book is written by an expert, this can be best choice.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4104-1476-2
Author: Philip Zimbardo and John Boyed

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