Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I read GenEd becasue I hate it!

Switched on the laptop, searched for good college, right place to study ; finally got the destination. Set the passport and flew to the land of dream....The United States of America! .two days short flight...finally..arrogant homeland security let me in..! was very happy that I do not have to study nepali grammer any more. No social studies, no environment science, and history..oooooooo. I was jumping out of happiness.Thought that I have to study programming and mathematics. was very ready. Yeaaah..!...got enrolled one of the best college in Oklahoma.

Early in the morning .wake up ..not really ; alarmed waked me up. Set to the class.....on entering the class... I nearly got heart attack...guess what? I was in History class! the class I hate the MOST. I went to talk to my advisor about the matter...do you know what I got back? must must must have to study history and other general education( GenEd) and must have to get more than 30 credit hours for my degree. I was breathless and speechless...I thought that I have done with everything and will be writing the codes in the computer..I could not think of anything...thought I would have been to India or china. Now I must have to give more time to my GenEd than my IT class.

In a week, I spend whole 2 days regreating and other days staring at the history book.Is it going to help me? What the heck I am goinna  do learning the American history. I do not know the history of my country and I am paying thousands of hard earned money just for looser class. Amazing! Instead of going to that class, I would love to play chess with my best friend; computer.

You might be thinking me How stupid he is? Knowledge is Knowledge..got to learn means got to learn. No no..no! You know the bulky books..teacher teach them like SMS. And you I have to learn other things myself...If I got to learn myself then why do I need to go that class and spend the money on it. If I have to understand and learn miles of pages by myself without getting whole explanation then does it necessarily be a compulsion. I do not understand these things. We are ment to learn ourselves...I am grown up kid. I just pray now..when I will get through the GenEd. Now I got throught he Humanities class. That was the worst class I have ever been in my life. Teacher is best of all, but I dislike the subject. read about paintings...those are the dirty arts I have ever seen.. I wonder how people see any beauty in paintings..Mona Lisa...Maya arts...70's arts..60's arts those are pice of junk to me. Common! in this modern world we have to go along with time. Why the hell we spend time in analyzing such old this .."past is history and history should be mistery".Thats what I think. Why should we spend time reading about somebody.let's be in present..work and help for the ones who are alive..instead of wasting hours on analyzing about dead things. That's my view point..I dont know what you think..Wow.! Sorry guys ..got to stop this for now...let me read stare once more to my history book.

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