Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I read GenEd becasue I hate it!

Switched on the laptop, searched for good college, right place to study ; finally got the destination. Set the passport and flew to the land of dream....The United States of America! .two days short flight...finally..arrogant homeland security let me in..! was very happy that I do not have to study nepali grammer any more. No social studies, no environment science, and history..oooooooo. I was jumping out of happiness.Thought that I have to study programming and mathematics. was very ready. Yeaaah..!...got enrolled one of the best college in Oklahoma.

Early in the morning .wake up ..not really ; alarmed waked me up. Set to the class.....on entering the class... I nearly got heart attack...guess what? I was in History class! the class I hate the MOST. I went to talk to my advisor about the matter...do you know what I got back? must must must have to study history and other general education( GenEd) and must have to get more than 30 credit hours for my degree. I was breathless and speechless...I thought that I have done with everything and will be writing the codes in the computer..I could not think of anything...thought I would have been to India or china. Now I must have to give more time to my GenEd than my IT class.

In a week, I spend whole 2 days regreating and other days staring at the history book.Is it going to help me? What the heck I am goinna  do learning the American history. I do not know the history of my country and I am paying thousands of hard earned money just for looser class. Amazing! Instead of going to that class, I would love to play chess with my best friend; computer.

You might be thinking me How stupid he is? Knowledge is Knowledge..got to learn means got to learn. No no..no! You know the bulky books..teacher teach them like SMS. And you I have to learn other things myself...If I got to learn myself then why do I need to go that class and spend the money on it. If I have to understand and learn miles of pages by myself without getting whole explanation then does it necessarily be a compulsion. I do not understand these things. We are ment to learn ourselves...I am grown up kid. I just pray now..when I will get through the GenEd. Now I got throught he Humanities class. That was the worst class I have ever been in my life. Teacher is best of all, but I dislike the subject. read about paintings...those are the dirty arts I have ever seen.. I wonder how people see any beauty in paintings..Mona Lisa...Maya arts...70's arts..60's arts those are pice of junk to me. Common! in this modern world we have to go along with time. Why the hell we spend time in analyzing such old this .."past is history and history should be mistery".Thats what I think. Why should we spend time reading about somebody.let's be in present..work and help for the ones who are alive..instead of wasting hours on analyzing about dead things. That's my view point..I dont know what you think..Wow.! Sorry guys ..got to stop this for now...let me read stare once more to my history book.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Lending 60 seconds...O really

Oh my goodness what new thing I have discovered? I was so amazed and I scroll ......back and forth...deleting and retyping...Thankx god, finally I was in the same place. I had screwed the Codes and my program was running...in the street!...... Does it make any sense? Eactly it does not make any sense to me as well. I know why I am writing this because I like wasting other's time.  I do not care about mine because I have 30 hours per day. Strange....!!! I do have 23 Hours 59 Minutes! 60 seconds less than what you have? wanna know why... because I have lend 60 seconds to somebody. As we know "time is money" and "money is time". But do not worry about me bcoz I get interest from it.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

What's real thing about making website?

First of all you do not have to type the crapy codes and you do not to learn the head sratching programming langauge. I personlly do not think that customized website are for the lazy web desiger but what I am typing the blog is also a customized Blog spot. Have to use any way. Open an account, go to the blog spot, select the theme and you are done; start wrting the things. How easy isn't it?

Coding is really hard and I have been trying to create a website and I have been coding since couple of days but still far way to go. Wow! I did not think its that much hard. Let's see how far I can go with it. Coding, debuging and testing has been part of me. I have forgotten to eat as well. Guess what if I have no assignments and nothing to do important related to my college; I spend the whole day searching and typing the write code which can make my web page work. I think I am half way through but the rest way is going to be really hard. Got to know SQL, and frameworks, server languages. Lots of stuff.

I thought learning just HTML will be ok. I mastered the HTML but I came to know I have to know CSS; i leant it but now still I have to learn more programming language. I am way through jQuery but its not over , still other programming language. I think culinary arts might be better for me; chop the onion, put the salt, pepper, egg and heat the pan; your omlet is ready. How easy is not it? Programming is not like that. uffff................lots of little stuff.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Change in Time and Technology

Time changed the technology or Technology changed the time? Time and technology, two different terms; are they corresponding to each other? Looks similar to me but it depends on how you define it. But who cares about the general terms of Time and technology because everybody knows what the time is. Other question can be which one is the most powerful either time or technology. I say none of them because as I say it depends on how you define.

Let's travel to the people still living in the forest in some part of the world. Do they know anything about time? May be they will look once at the sky and say oh my god! its getting dark, let's prepeare for dinner. I think its their own time and they are moving with it. But another question knocks my mind, are they happy with that life. I guess yes that's why they do not want any change.

Human beings born with the same amount of mind and power; how come one haves dinner in the space shuttle and other haves it in the middle of the jungle; enjoys the raw food like early men. I wonder when the technology is going to dwel in their home sweet home. Here come the another term; technology. What is exactly the technology? Is it the device which runs with the artificial technology? Which is control by the remote device or computer? or the big machineries which makes the modern marvels? Or is it just the bow and arrow, fire generated with the help of stone? It is very difficult to answer becasue, this is what divides people from modern and premetive or early men.  Modern machines separates from the people living in the jungle although they are also homo sapiens in scientific tem (human beings).

So what changed first. either time or technology? As I have stated above, whihc one changed first? Some people say that the technology made the time to changes and some of them talks just opposite. Others do not have answers at all. If we see the world, every time we come out from the house, we do not see the same thing. If you disagree with me and say that you see the same thing then you are not developing. There should be change in time and technology. One should love the change,; Noting is permanent in this world.

I wonder how will be the life of the people who are living way with the modern technology. Will they able to use computer and see modern machines. I am sure some of them have already died without seeing this modern technology inspite of having being lived in 21st century. But it's interesting.  

Monday, July 2, 2012

John Boyed-Review

Johan Boyd received his Ph.D in psychology in 1999 form Stanford University, where he studied with Zimbardo. A frequent contributor to the scientific literature on time perspectives, he was instrumental in the construction of the Zimbardo Tine Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) and was the first to identify the transcendental-future time has explored the interaction of thoughts and feelings through time. Boyd brings a strong record of translating science into practice through his current role as research manager at Google and his previous role as director of research at Yahoo! and director of scientific affairs at Alertness Solutions, a boutique human performance management. Please visit the website John development to complement this book: www.thetimeparadox.com

Philip Zimbardo- Review

Philip Zimbardo is professor emeritus of psychology at Stanford University and has taught at Yale University, New York University and Columbia University. He is currently teaching clinical graduate students at the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology in Palo Alto and also at the naval Postgraduate School (Monterrey). He is coauthor of Psychology and Life and the author of Shyness and The Lucifer Effect, which together have sold millions of copies. Zimbardo has been presented of the American Psychological Associatio and is now director of the Stanford Center on Interdisciplinary Policy, education, and Research on Terrorism (CIPERT). He also narrated the award winnng PBS series Discovering Psychology, which he helped create. In 2004 he acted as an expert witness in the court-martial hearing of one of the American army reservices accused of criminal behavior in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. His informative website www.prisonexperiment.org is visited by millions every year. Visit the author's personal website at www.zimbardo.com, and visit the book's website at www.ucifereffect.com

The Time Paradox-Review

The Time Paradox: The New Psychology of Time That will change your life

Every important decision you make is determined by a force operating deep inside your mind: your perspective on time. Once you become aware of your personal time zone, you can begin to see and manage your life in exciting new ways. Drs. Zimbardo and Boyd draw on thirty years of research to offer a practical plan for optimizing your blend of time perspectives to get the utmost out of every minute in your personal  and professional life. Time passes no matter what you do. It's up to you to spend it wisely and enjoy it well. Here;s how.

This is mind blowing book written by great writer Philip Zimbardo and John Boyd. This book basically talks about time and its management. How time can change people's views and ideas? How time can change life of people? Time has been compared and contrasted according to different people's lifestyle. This is psychology book and for the one who is keen to learn human psychology. Since this book is written by an expert, this can be best choice.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4104-1476-2
Author: Philip Zimbardo and John Boyed