Friday, May 11, 2012

Tharu and people

Tharu are the group of people who lives in the Southern part of Nepal. They have been living in that area since long time ago. According to the research done by some people, Lord Buddha was also from Tharu community. Tharu people are hard working and gentle. They are self-dependent and work very hard for their livelihood.

Terai is the habitat of Tharu people and official language is Tharu itself. Tharu community includes Chaudhary, Thanait, Mahato and others. They like to live together in big houses. They make their houses with woods and mud. They decorate their houses very beautifully.

Today, Tharu people are moving ahead in culture, tradition, education and economy. Tharu people are followers of many God and Goddess and celebrate all kind of festivals like Jitya, Aanat, Khicchadi, Phagwa, Dashain, So-harai, and others. Khicchadi, sometimes called as Maghi is New year for Tharu people. Maghi/ Khicchadi is considered one of the most important festival for Tharu people which falls on 14th of February. 

Tharu people believe in hard work and good luck. They enjoy their life with complete freedom. their culture and tradition are different from other cultural cast. There are different kind of Tharu ethnicity but all of them are same

Initially they were supressed by the Brahmin and Chhetri, But now they are more innovative and active and can defend any kinds of intolerable behavior of other community people.

Now, Tharu people are more educated and they know very well about their rights and duty. The villages are more educated and most of the people are getting good jobs.
But still in some places of Nepal, tharu people are still suppressed by Brahmin, Chhetri and Newar.

I hope one day, they will get their homeland again like the one it was before brahmin and Chhetri took off their home land and start to live in their old place, Tharu kingdom!

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