Saturday, May 26, 2012

Swimming through Blue Screen of Death

What is Blue Screen of Death?

Blue screen of Death (BSOD) is an error in which computer freezes and turns the screen in to blue with the error message and the problem like “uncorrectable hardware error” and numbers like 0x00000124 (0x00000000, 0x8144E01C, 0xB2000000, 0x000300005). The blue screen itself tells what the problem with the computer is but we have to understand it before we do any trouble shooting. Blue screen of death occurs in the computer if the computer cannot handle any changes or error; it can be hardware problem or software. Software error is easy to figure out than the hardware error. BSOD mostly occurs in windows platform. There can be multiple reasons for the blue screen. Some of the reasons are as follows:
1.      Driver problem: Because of outdated drivers install in the computer. When we install any hardware in the computer then the computer installs the new driver but we have to make sure that we have drivers are updated. Due to mismatch in hardware and drivers, conflicts occurs between software and hardware then we get the dead screen of blue.
2.      Faulty Memory: Blue screen of Death can occur because of faulty memory like RAM or Hard drive.  It occurs when a computer is processing intensive operations. Sometimes when the memory components are over heated then it can cause to fail computer causing BSOD. If there is problem in memory then it can possibly because of RAM or Hard drive which can lead to BSOD.
3.      Corrupt Registry: The corrupt registry can cause the BSOD. The registry is a database that windows operating system uses to store configure information regarding hardware and software.  The registry gest corrupted when user installs and uninstalls programs or setting are saved in the registry; the entries are not removed automatically which results in an increase registry size.  The outdated eateries that are no longer valid result in a corrupt registry.
4.      Incompatible softwares: when the user installs the program which are not compatible to the operating system then it only installs the corrupt file which can later mess with other installed programs finally causing BSOD. So user needs to make sure that program installed in the computer is compactible to Windows.
5.      Hardware problem: BSOD can occur when user installs new hardware which can be incompatible to computer hardware and Operating system. When the operating system cannot recognize the important hardware like fan, RAM or processor then there can be critical problem. If there is problem in the hard drive then the computer will not boot but if its boot then it will get the BSOD error again. Hardware error can be figured out by doing hardware diagnostics.
6.      Virus and spyware: BSOB can occur because of virus. Sometimes viruses are installed in the computer by user unknowingly. The viruses tries to do whatever it is assigned to do in the computer and operating system identifies the critical moment and finally shuts down to prevent computer. Sometimes it can happen when somebody tries to gain access from the remote location through spyware.
7.      Windows update: sometimes Windows update can cause BSOD when it is installed improperly. So we should let all the recommended to be installed in the computer.
Solutions:For the normal user it is very difficult to troubleshoot but we have to understand it in detail. When the blue screen occurs, we have to read the message very carefully because most of the time message itself tells what the problem in the computer is. Before we take any critical step, we have to have good knowledge about computer and its components. For example the error can be like this;The system encountered an uncorrectable hardware error:Technical information:*** STOP: 0x00000124 (0x00000000, 0x8144E01C, 0xB2000000, 0x00030005) This error occurs while playing any media files in the computer like watching movies using media player or while watching YouTube. Solution: update the new BIOS from the manufacturer’s website. When we install genuine operating system then Windows update automatically updates the BISO but we can install manually by going to manufacturer’s website and installing latest BIOS.User can check event viewer for the user log in and changes made in the computer. Users can also diagnosis the problem by going to Windows diagnostic tools.

To be continued……

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