Saturday, June 9, 2012

Let's Think 9 seconds about facebook

Facebook, the new books for all the human beings. In the old days people used to have books for knwoledge and good information but look now people are exploited by soical media; that is facebook. There are millions of users and each of them have more than hundreds of virtual and real friends; some of them are known and some of them not. I wonder how can a person have thousands of friends.
To get help, I think one friend is enough. People do not think what is the advantages of having lots of virtual friends, since most of them cannot e faithful to themselves; how they are going to be your good freinds. we can take example of high schools and colleges where there are more than thousands of students in average; but there we do not talk with them and do not like to share our own information personally. I wonder why peopel agree to share their information with virtual people whom they have never meet in their lifetime. And I doubt they are going to meet them at all.

I think this is just the waste of time and money. People are spending their hard earn money for buying expensive cell phones and computer just to use facebook. They could have spend money on something else. Per hour in some corner of the world people are dying becasue of poverty ; why we do not think take a second to think about them. We stick hours and hours in facebook.

In one way facebook is separating many people from real world to virtual world. Nowdays they like talking to their virtual friends more than their family and real friends. Suppose we are in trouble, during that time I do not think that faccebook virtual friends are going to help; at that time we need our own family members and friends. I is good to spend sometime with friends and family but I can see lots of people sticking to it 24x7.

Other thing what I do not like about facebook is that we are being used. See how it works; when we like something for example, a fashion store or food store. Then it is recommeded to all our friends with our name. Facebook is using our name for advertisement. They cannot do like that! In one way facebook talks about privacy but in other way they want their user to be transparent wiht their infromation. If people started to use all their information in facebook then I am sure there will be more crimes than before. Facebook do not have right to use its user's name for advertisements.

It is a social media, inwhich people log in to get intouch with their friends but it is also one of the reason people are getting separate from their real world. Lets think about it. getting addicted to virtual world is just like getting addicted to drugs; both of them kills either physically or virtually!

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