Friday, July 13, 2012

Change in Time and Technology

Time changed the technology or Technology changed the time? Time and technology, two different terms; are they corresponding to each other? Looks similar to me but it depends on how you define it. But who cares about the general terms of Time and technology because everybody knows what the time is. Other question can be which one is the most powerful either time or technology. I say none of them because as I say it depends on how you define.

Let's travel to the people still living in the forest in some part of the world. Do they know anything about time? May be they will look once at the sky and say oh my god! its getting dark, let's prepeare for dinner. I think its their own time and they are moving with it. But another question knocks my mind, are they happy with that life. I guess yes that's why they do not want any change.

Human beings born with the same amount of mind and power; how come one haves dinner in the space shuttle and other haves it in the middle of the jungle; enjoys the raw food like early men. I wonder when the technology is going to dwel in their home sweet home. Here come the another term; technology. What is exactly the technology? Is it the device which runs with the artificial technology? Which is control by the remote device or computer? or the big machineries which makes the modern marvels? Or is it just the bow and arrow, fire generated with the help of stone? It is very difficult to answer becasue, this is what divides people from modern and premetive or early men.  Modern machines separates from the people living in the jungle although they are also homo sapiens in scientific tem (human beings).

So what changed first. either time or technology? As I have stated above, whihc one changed first? Some people say that the technology made the time to changes and some of them talks just opposite. Others do not have answers at all. If we see the world, every time we come out from the house, we do not see the same thing. If you disagree with me and say that you see the same thing then you are not developing. There should be change in time and technology. One should love the change,; Noting is permanent in this world.

I wonder how will be the life of the people who are living way with the modern technology. Will they able to use computer and see modern machines. I am sure some of them have already died without seeing this modern technology inspite of having being lived in 21st century. But it's interesting.  

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