Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pictures: Tharu Collections

Crane dancing during Rainy season-Kolkattwa Village

Tharu boys dancing with stick-Stick dance festival

Women planting Rice during Rainy season

Tharu girls in their cultural dress during the festival of Jeetyaa

"Jeetyaa"festival, One of the most important festival for Tharu women.

Tharu men dancing with "Daaphu" during the Holi festival of color.

Touritst with a baby Rhinocerous in Chitwan National Park

Maize in traditional hanger-"Jhokha" in Tharu language and hen trying to steal some grain of maize

"Gada" a wooden cart pulled by Oxen- as means of transportation in village of Terai region

"Bakula" (cranes) trying to catch fished in Sauraha River

Traditional Tharu home designed by Tharu people. One of the best design and built by Tharu designers and builders. Tharu people live in such houses.We can see these kind of houses in Terai region of Nepal where larger of Tharu population live.

Tharu women of Southern Terai region. Annual Tharu festival called Maghi, which is also considered as New Year of Tharu people.

A tourtist with baby Elephant at Chitwan National Park.

Maghi festival in Kathmandu

House made of mud and wood. Typical houses in Western Terai region of Nepal.

Holi festival of color. "Daaphu" a kind of musical instrunment played by Tharu men during the festival of Holi.

Fisher man trying to make net for fishing for festival.
Tharu women dancing with theri cutural dress.
Tharu people with their cultural uniforms, tradition and homeland. 

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