Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pictures: Tharu Collections

Crane dancing during Rainy season-Kolkattwa Village

Tharu boys dancing with stick-Stick dance festival

Women planting Rice during Rainy season

Tharu girls in their cultural dress during the festival of Jeetyaa

"Jeetyaa"festival, One of the most important festival for Tharu women.

Tharu men dancing with "Daaphu" during the Holi festival of color.

Touritst with a baby Rhinocerous in Chitwan National Park

Maize in traditional hanger-"Jhokha" in Tharu language and hen trying to steal some grain of maize

"Gada" a wooden cart pulled by Oxen- as means of transportation in village of Terai region

"Bakula" (cranes) trying to catch fished in Sauraha River

Traditional Tharu home designed by Tharu people. One of the best design and built by Tharu designers and builders. Tharu people live in such houses.We can see these kind of houses in Terai region of Nepal where larger of Tharu population live.

Tharu women of Southern Terai region. Annual Tharu festival called Maghi, which is also considered as New Year of Tharu people.

A tourtist with baby Elephant at Chitwan National Park.

Maghi festival in Kathmandu

House made of mud and wood. Typical houses in Western Terai region of Nepal.

Holi festival of color. "Daaphu" a kind of musical instrunment played by Tharu men during the festival of Holi.

Fisher man trying to make net for fishing for festival.
Tharu women dancing with theri cutural dress.
Tharu people with their cultural uniforms, tradition and homeland. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

SLC result: A Hidden truth behind Nepalese education

S.L.C ( known as School Leaving Certificate), which is considered one of the most important and toughest test in Nepal. Does the S.L.C test matters lot for the Nepalese students? Is S.L.C the complete education for the future high school kids. What is the reality behind the exam? Is the result transparent? There are lost of question to be answered by the Nepalese education authority? So the life of student finishes if s/he does not pass the exam? How much government is concerned about student's future? DO the student get their educational materials in time? Are the school premises peaceful as declared by the government authority? I am going to write the reality of education system in Nepal. 

Today 13,June, 2012; S.L.C result publication day , most awaited result for students and their parents. many question in their mind. Did my child pass the exam? Will he be able to get distinction or first division? if my son or daughter passes in distinction then s/he will be studying what? These are the question playing in the mind of Parents. "Oh! got please make me pass. I will definitely study harder in high school. I think I have done good. Surely I will get first on on and on" sentence rolling in student's mind. School principle, " let's see how many of my students will get distinction. If I will have 100% distinctions then I will get to increase the tuition fee of the school." These things comes to school principle' mind. Lots of question and answers; before the result. Finally result arrived, let's check the result now!

What?????? More than half examines failed to clear Iron Gate ( known as S.L.C) Who is responsible for this failure? Is it student or government? I know who is responsible but in Nepal nobody knows it because  earth is round when viewed form the sky but its flat when we are on the earth. Exactly the same way! I hope you got me. If you did not then live in Nepal for one month then you will understand it. Let's get to business. Today, the Office of the Controller of Examination today declared the result this year's School Leaving Certificate examination with pass percentage dipping to 47.16 per cent from 55.50 percent last year. The exam was held from march 19 to 29 this year.

The news which I read gave me the data for boys and girls as well. The pass percentage was higher among boys (51.8 percent). Only 42.2 percent girls cleared the Iron Gate. last year pass percentage among boys and girls was 59.12 percent and 51.44 percent respectively. A total of 17,760 students-10,568 boys and 7, 174 girls passed the exam with distinction. Others passed in first division, second and third divisions. Some of the were fresh givers and other were withdrawn or previous failed students. 

After the result was published, the officer of Examination Control ( i don't wanna mention name) appeared in media to express his dissatisfaction over the result. " We would be analyzing the result later and find out the reason to improve it in future." What a cheap drama it was? If he had been too concerned then why he did not do before the publication of result? Who know the future? what we got to do, have to do in present? I am sure this is not going to improve at all. As long as there is no transparency in the result, nothing is going to change.

I think there is weakness in current education system of Nepal and government; who could not formulate good system. If we do research about this then we will get multiple reason for poor grades in any exam not only S.L.C. Nepalese people considered S.L.C most important and its focused too much but if we see the result of other exam like for bachelors and master; its almost same result. Maximum of them fail the exam. 

Checking methods: The answers written by the students goes to multiple geographical areas where teachers from different schools get to check the result. They are appointed by the government. This is done so that the result will be fair; teacher will not be able to give high score to his favorite students. Teacher who corrects the answer sheet does not know whose paper s/he checking. You might be confused! But the government pays teacher per answer sheet N.Rs.25 or more. Hence in order to get money, checking process is rapid. Higher the corrected sheet higher the money. Then what happens..I want you to think the final consequences.

Strikes are the another reason for bad score in exam. Student o not get to study properly in such violent condition. Strikes are done during the exam preparation. Schools are shut down. Transportation are halt dues to strikes; if kid are not able to go to school the how s/he going to learn and get good grades. 

6 to 6: You might be thinking what this means. This is famous schedule for ninth and tenth grader students. s/he needs to arrive school at this time and start practicing for S.L.C whole day in school. Teachers do not know the learning strategies.Do the student get good score in S.L.C, can be yes or no. Since there is no refreshment in between, just reading and reading then you might know what happens if you do the same thing for long time. You might wanna take some rest. But in school, students must practice whole day in schools about 12 hrs and when they go home they go with the same homework. Wow ! In past students used to get distinction. We got distinction but we did not practice as much as what present students are doing. Still our score is higher than present examines.

Parents are sometimes responsible for worst result. They expect more form their children. I know they are parents and they do have right to expect more. But all the children are not same. They are equally capable but it is not good idea to think and act in same way. If every ones becomes like Bill Gates then who is going to be join Military and fight for their country. Parents should try to motivate and give the student a chance to understand what s/he like? All children are unique and they have equal power to do something new!

late publication of book: many students in rural areas like Rolpa, Dolpa and other hilly areas kids get books very late Sometimes they do not get the books for whole year. So how they are going to pass without books? "Sharing is caring" is the right word to remember during this situation but how long? Government are responsible for this. Education ministries are more corrupted that's what I know? How cannot book reach in a corner of a country if the government had been concerned. I have realized and experienced that the employees of public service office (Government Office) are lazy and corrupted. Most of them do no deserve to be there at all. Capable citizens are struggling in the streets of Kathmandu and incapable people are inside the office planing future of country. Sounds very funny but it is truth.

Nepal is suffering from a kind of undetectable disease. It does not have any medicine. Only one medicine can treat it...I know it but I want my reader to write for me in comment......!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Planning a Movie Maker Project

Today i was just surfing through a book and got these information which might interest you!

Windows Live Movie Maker lets you combine video, audio, ans image files to create movies and slides shows you can publish ans show on your computer or CD/ DVD, e-mail to others, or place on a web pages or mobile device. You save the movie you create as a file, just as you would save a word processing or spread sheet file, and you can play and view it at any time. However, movies and their accompanying files are larger than most other documents you create-usually exceeding 5 MB. Before you begi, it's a good idea to plan your content.

Decide the purpose of the movie:
Your movie might be a promotional piece or catalog for business use, or a vacation movie to share with family and friends. Your purpose determines the subject, type, and quality of the source material, which is teh video and audio material you will use.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Little Jest of Buddha profile

The life of Gautam Buddha is as facinating and inspiring as those of Shri Rama and Krishna. Morever, the Buddha has been a historical figure in greatness, like the highest peak of the Himalayas, he is second to none. That is why he has been regarded as the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu after Shri Rama and Krishna.

The advent of the Buddha is one of the most momentous events of human history and civilization. His life and work show to what sublime heights human compassion, thoughts and feelings can rise. What the light enlightened one practised and preached is a proud possession of our common ancient heritage. The Sakyamuni showed us the path going to liberation and nirvana. he taught us how to transcend the relatives, the limits of time and space and become immortal.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Let's Think 9 seconds about facebook

Facebook, the new books for all the human beings. In the old days people used to have books for knwoledge and good information but look now people are exploited by soical media; that is facebook. There are millions of users and each of them have more than hundreds of virtual and real friends; some of them are known and some of them not. I wonder how can a person have thousands of friends.
To get help, I think one friend is enough. People do not think what is the advantages of having lots of virtual friends, since most of them cannot e faithful to themselves; how they are going to be your good freinds. we can take example of high schools and colleges where there are more than thousands of students in average; but there we do not talk with them and do not like to share our own information personally. I wonder why peopel agree to share their information with virtual people whom they have never meet in their lifetime. And I doubt they are going to meet them at all.

I think this is just the waste of time and money. People are spending their hard earn money for buying expensive cell phones and computer just to use facebook. They could have spend money on something else. Per hour in some corner of the world people are dying becasue of poverty ; why we do not think take a second to think about them. We stick hours and hours in facebook.

In one way facebook is separating many people from real world to virtual world. Nowdays they like talking to their virtual friends more than their family and real friends. Suppose we are in trouble, during that time I do not think that faccebook virtual friends are going to help; at that time we need our own family members and friends. I is good to spend sometime with friends and family but I can see lots of people sticking to it 24x7.

Other thing what I do not like about facebook is that we are being used. See how it works; when we like something for example, a fashion store or food store. Then it is recommeded to all our friends with our name. Facebook is using our name for advertisement. They cannot do like that! In one way facebook talks about privacy but in other way they want their user to be transparent wiht their infromation. If people started to use all their information in facebook then I am sure there will be more crimes than before. Facebook do not have right to use its user's name for advertisements.

It is a social media, inwhich people log in to get intouch with their friends but it is also one of the reason people are getting separate from their real world. Lets think about it. getting addicted to virtual world is just like getting addicted to drugs; both of them kills either physically or virtually!