Thursday, November 1, 2012

Figting Blue Screen of Death (Cancer in Computer)

Blue Screen, critical Windows Opearating system problem; which occurs when any critical problem occurs in the computer and it cannot handle. It basically does to prevent the hardware or software failure. There are lots of notes and articles in the website which teaches steps on how to fix the problem. But does it really works?

I am having this problem in my computer since one years. And Now I am bloggging using the same computer. I have been using the tips of Windows 7 tools to fix the problem but I never could not fix it. During this process, I have learnt so many things on troubleshooting laptops, which I didnot learn it as freshmen.

There are lots of ways to solve the computer problems but One one way to break it. I am writing this article in stree because of blue screen in my computer. I have used all the steps availabe in the internet but none of them helped me to work my computer. I could not figure out whether it is hardware or software failure.

Hopefully I will be an expert in Blue Screen of Death. I call it as a cancer in the computer which never gets cure after it infect your computers.

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