Monday, October 8, 2012

Print Your name five times in C#

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Class_Activity_Friday_5_DC
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int z = 1; z <= 5; z++)
Console.WriteLine("John Doe"); //Write your name
} } } }

Monday, October 1, 2012

Game in Python: What would you like to have?

I wrote this program just for and I would like to share my source code with my readers. Just copy and past in the Python IDE and you are ready to go!

#Deenesh chowdhary
#Conditiona statement in entering bar
print ("Welocome to Okmulgee Dance Bar! ")
y = input ("What is your name ?"))
number = 18)
gate= int(input ("Enter your age: ")))
if gate== number:)
print ("You are right aged," + y, "Welcome and have fun"))
elif gate< number:)
print("Grow up," + y ,"Still wait some more years to come back! "))
elif gate> number:)
print("Welcome! "+ y ,"What would you like to have?"))
if gate >= number:)
z = input ( "Enter your order: "))
print("Thank you for ordering,"+ z, "! Your order will be proceed in few seconds!"))
elif gate < number:)
print("Thank you for your try! Hope you will turn 18 soon!"))
input ("press"))

Writing the codes is really awesome job and I can share as many codes in my blogging website. Play the game and enjoy your self!